Are you ready to hit the reset button in 2024?

Chronic Pain Dacula GA Natalie Lawrence

DR. Natalie Lawrence, DC

  • Hey There!

    I'm Dr. Natalie Lawrence and I'm here to invite you to a short, yet powerful program that can:

    • Uplevel your energy
    • Jumpstart weight loss
    • And improve your mood


    • Decreasing your toxic load
    • Improving digestion and
    • Identifying foods that you are eating
      that don't work for you
  • So, if you are ready to clean out the gunk, make some new friends and establish new healthy habits with a doctor who has helped others just like you to succeed, come join us!

    Our start date is mid-January. Our class size is limited to 20 participants and the cut-off to say YES! to better health is Wednesday, January 10th. Enrollment is now open! Your new and improved 2024 awaits...

    Let's do this!


Chronic Pain In Dacula GA

This year, for the first time ever, I will be offering a group program called

The Great (Health) Reset

cut-off to say YES!
to better health is
Wednesday, January 10th

The Program Includes:

💻 4 weekly live webinars with me to give you the guidance, tools, support and accountability to ensure your success - can't attend live? All workshops are recorded and available to you in our Education Portal for replay on your timeline.

📝Food lists and delicious and easy recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You'll never have to wonder what to eat! Plus helpful hints for food prep, busy moms, or those who "don't know how to cook".

👥A private Facebook group where you can make new friends who are participating in the program, share your wins, recipes and ask questions between sessions.

💊AND lastly, ALL the supplements you need to complete the program are included in easy-to-use packets (only 2 per day) to keep you on track!

🕒Enrollment is limited to provide a more intimate learning experience and individualized support necessary to transform you and allow you to show up the way you want to with your kids, spouse, and friends...


for a one-time payment of only $447

Enrollment is capped at 20 participants to provide a more intimate learning experience and provide the individualized support necessary to transform you and allow you to show up the way you want to with your kids, spouse and friends, in just 30 days

The Great Health Reset

Integrative Healthcare of Atlanta
1342 Auburn Road, #114
Dacula GA 30019

This year, for the first time ever, I am offering a 30-day group program called

The Great (Health) Reset

The cut-off to say YES! to better health is Wednesday, January 10th

The program includes:

💻 4 weekly live webinars with me to give you the guidance, tools, support and accountability to ensure your success - can't attend live? All workshops are recorded and available to you in our Education Portal for replay on your timeline.

📝Food lists and delicious and easy recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You'll never have to wonder what to eat! Plus helpful hints for food prep, busy moms, or those who "don't know how to cook".

👥A private Facebook group where you can make new friends who are participating in the program, share your wins, recipes and ask questions between sessions.

💊AND lastly, ALL the supplements you need to complete the program are included in easy-to-use packets (only 2 per day) to keep you on track!

🕒Enrollment is limited to provide a more intimate learning experience and individualized support necessary to transform you and allow you to show up the way you want to with your kids, spouse, and friends...


for a one-time payment of only $447